Wine & Spirits
RM 1,596.00
*All prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
*All prices are quoted in local currency. Conversion to foreign currencies is based on the exchange rates prevailing at the time of publication.
*The Company is not responsible for any price differences between this website and stores promoting or selling the same products.
In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created Hennessy X.O for his circle of friends and introduced a new style of cognac. Hennessy X.O is the original, the emblematic icon of the Hennessy Maison. Deep and powerful, the eaux-de-vie of the Hennessy X.O cognac are aged in young barrels and marked out by their and energy, but also by their capacity to achieve a great roundness through time.
传世之作经典轩尼诗V.S.O.P -1817年在英国的摄政王也就是之后的乔治四世的钦点下而酿制。轩尼诗的调配总艺师一直想要打造一款完整而和谐的混调佳酿:一支完美平衡表现绝佳的干邑就此诞生。最古老的生命之水展现出的芳醇口感完美成就了这支最年轻佳酿的活泼生命力,使它成为任何场合的理想佳品,无论是加冰长饮还是调制创意混饮都很适合。
Store Locations:
- Eraman Duty Free Emporium, Level 1 (International Arrival), BKI
Eraman Duty Free Emporium
Level 1 (International Arrival), BKI
Opening Hours: 24 Hours - Eraman Duty Free Emporium, Level 3 (International Departure), BKI
Eraman Duty Free Emporium
Level 3 (International Departure), BKI
Opening Hours: 24 Hours - Eraman Duty Free, Level 2 International Departure, PEN
Eraman Duty FreeLevel 2, International Departure, PENOpening Hours: 7AM to 11PM
- Eraman Duty Free, Level 1 International Arrival, PEN
Eraman Duty Free
Level 1, International Arrival, PEN
Opening Hours: 7AM to 11PM